Ten Landscape Tips for August


Wednesday Aug 13th, 2014

We have had a cooler and moister summer than normal. While this has been great for growth, it has lead to some issues with fungus this year. August can be a tough month for your landscape as we get busy with summer activities and we sometimes let the outside areas go. 

Here are some tips for keeping your yard at its best! 

  • We have had plenty of rain this year, but if we get a dry spell, do give your lawn and plantings supplemental water. They should receive about 1” of water per week. It is best to water 3 times a week a little heavier than lightly every day.
  • Due to the moisture, there has been some serious fungal and insect problems with plants on both trees and shrubs. We have seen fireblight, powdery mildew and borers on plant materials. Our horticulturalist and arborist have treatments for many of these issues. Scout any plant that may look poorly and give us a call if you need and assessment or treatment.
  • EAM- Emerald Ash Borer has been spotted in Erie County.  If you have Ash trees that are important to your landscape we have injections that will help to resist this pest.
  • Keep an eye out for brown patches in your lawn. August is a month when there is a lot of insect activity - from grubs to cinch bugs. Scout to be sure it is insects as opposed to fungus to be sure to apply the right treatment. Call us if you are unsure so we can check it for you.
  • Cut your lawn a little higher at this time of the year, as it helps to shade its own roots and keeps it from drying out too fast. When mowing, do not cut more than 1/3 of the length of the blade.
  • Lawn fertilization can be done near the end of the month or beginning of September as the weather cools and we get lake effect rains, at which time it's a good idea to strengthen the growth of your turf.
  • Dead head the flowering plants (not the Grateful Dead Head, for all you boomers). When plants flower and fade they produce seed that will tell a plant to stop blooming because it has completed its life cycle.To promote more blooms on your perennials and annuals, you can remove the old flowers as they begin to fade, or better yet, pick them for a bouquet for the table, and this will promote more blooms.
  • Prune evergreens to keep them in check and even through this season. Any trees or woody plants that have dead, crossed over branching or sucker growth can still be removed at this time of the year.
  • DO NOT prune summer flowering shrubs like rhodies, azaleas or lilacs at this time of the year. Spring flowering plants bloom on last years growth. The growth of this year will result in the flower buds for next year, so if you prune now, you are removing the flowers of next spring. It is better to let them grow and cut them back after flower next year.
  • Keep up with weed control via hand pulling or careful applications of herbicides. Be on the lookout for yellow nutsedge, which has been a nuisance this year. Do not let it go to seed or it will be a further nuisance in the future. 

If you are busy with your summer activities and would like some help with pruning, feeding or maintenance in your landscape, give us a call and we’d be happy to evaluate and make recommendations for your environment!


Krista and I would like to pass on to your crew that we really do enjoy our front yard. We have found people stopping by to look at it as if it were a piece of art, of course we know it is. It has made a big difference in our enjoyment of our home. We will highly recommend you to all of our friends.

Jim Strafford

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