Celebrating 60 Years: Tree Peony


Tuesday May 19th, 2015

Paeonie suffruticosa

Life is short and our bloom time shorter ( in the peony world ) so we must enjoy while we can. Here is a pink tree peony. In my opinion one of the classic flowers. Full, lush and brilliant in color it draws your eye right in!

This picture is from this morning and there is still moisture from last nights rain.

IMG 6085

Get out of the house and smell the flowers today!

Improving your environment for 60 years!


Krista and I would like to pass on to your crew that we really do enjoy our front yard. We have found people stopping by to look at it as if it were a piece of art, of course we know it is. It has made a big difference in our enjoyment of our home. We will highly recommend you to all of our friends.

Jim Strafford

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