Celebrating 60 Years: Banks Residence, Garden Court


Wednesday Jan 14th, 2015

In 2002, Bob and Diane Banks moved into this classic Erie home at 6th and Cherry. The landscape had good structure and the renovation that took place accented the best features and filled in with lush pachysandra ground cover, incorporated natural pruning, replaced missing street trees and took best advantage of this corner lot. This home is located in the historic Garden Court, an advanced planning concept for its day with a center common courtyard. Dahlkemper Landscape Architects & Contractors continues to maintain this residence to the design concept that was intended, continuing to improve Erie’s environment!

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Krista and I would like to pass on to your crew that we really do enjoy our front yard. We have found people stopping by to look at it as if it were a piece of art, of course we know it is. It has made a big difference in our enjoyment of our home. We will highly recommend you to all of our friends.

Jim Strafford

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